Saturday, 8 October 2011

Steve jobs ku woo

So, Steve jobs died. My facebook feed is full of tributes to him as to how he changed the world and about his message to the world. People of course have their rights to like him, feel sad about his death and pay their tributes. But saying that the changed the world worries elaam  overo over.   Now, let us sit back for a moment and analyze if that is true.

 Jobs was quite a brilliant CEO ,made his company successful and in the process he became very very rich. No disagreement there.

All the products he introduced were increments over existing products in a competitive consumer market. Ipod is a successor of the sony walkman and the concepts of OS, computers and GUI were already present before Macintosh even came out. Not even talking about iphones which is another minor layer over multitudes of cell phones already there. Often, his innovations were simply that of usability and elegance. These are hardly world changing things. Infact, I am not even sure if he has produced an academic paper of worth that has changed the way computing is done. I tried to find one and couldnt and so doubt it.

So  everyone having an iphone is not  world changing , its called market monopoly. Even if somebody feels the need to thank him for the iphone, they need to start thanking a long list of people from the guy who figured out wireless transmission to the people who made the first operating system. Steve jobs will surely be last and the least important and perhaps the richest in that list.  The invention of electricity, nuclear energy,removing you are talking about world changing stuff.

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